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Access PHP settings

Last Update: June 23, 2024

This feature only applies to Elementor Hosting sites.

Your website’s PHP configuration involves various options that control how PHP behaves and interacts with the server environment. This can affect performance, security, error handling and more.

Elementor Hosting allows website owner to view the PHP settings of their websites.

Accessing the PHP settings

The PHP settings are accessed using the My Elementor dashboard.

To access the PHP settings:

  1. Go to your My Elementor dashboard.
    My Elementor dashboard2.jpg Access PHP settings 1
    Your website cards appear in the right panel.
    Hover over the website card1 Access PHP settings 3
  2. Hover over the website card of the site you want to edit.
    Click Manage this website2 Access PHP settings 5
  3. Click Manage this site.
    Click the Advanced tab Access PHP settings 7
  4. In the left panel, click the Advanced tab.
    Click PHP Settings Access PHP settings 9
  5. In the right panel, click the PHP Configuration tab.
    The PHP settings Access PHP settings 11
    The PHP Configuration options appear.

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